


欢迎来到在线学生手册. This web-based document provides access to information about services and resources for students as well as policies and procedures. Please be aware that all students are responsible for reading and knowing the contents of this handbook.

《学生手册》不仅仅是一本政策手册. It includes information about 校园 resources (academic and otherwise), 社交活动, 安全信息, 完整的文本的SGA章程和章程和更多. 手册列出了办事处, how to contact them and which offices you may need to go to for particular information.

虽然您可能希望找到特定的资源或策略, the handbook is designed to facilitate a reading from beginning to end. 下面的链接将带你到目录页. Each page contains links at the bottom of the page to the previous page and the next page. By using the Next Page link, it is possible to read the complete document from beginning to end. 整个手册可以立即查看打印使用 打印友好大纲 菜单中的按钮.

The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for maintaining the handbook and welcomes your suggestions, 亲身或电邮至 studentaffairs@raynoldsnarh.net.

2023 - 2024年COVID-19预期 
学生 are expected to follow all safety measures to lower and prevent the risk of spreading COVID-19; failure to do so could result in disciplinary action up to and including separation from the college. 为此目的,我们期望:


政策有时会在年中发生变化. When necessary those changes are incorporated into the current handbook text. Additionally, sometimes minor changes are made to correct errors in the text. 一页 勘误表 & 变化 是否建立了记录这些全年变化的机构.


  • 授予学生会协会的权力,第5项
    • 消除:“Power to deal with cases of discipline arising from infractions of the rules of the association and such other cases as are referred to it by officers of the college. 在一般情况下, 所有纪律案件, except those having to do with academic matters and those coming within the jurisdiction of the Academic Honor Board, 公民权利申诉程序或联邦, 应如此提及. The association shall have the power of imposing penalties to enforce its decisions, with the understanding that the penalty of suspension or dismissal may be imposed only after ratification by the president of the college. 犯罪的, 如果重复, may lead to suspension or dismissal shall be reported by the chair of the Conduct Board to the dean of the college.
  • Grant of Powers to the 学生会协会, Item 9 (now 8)
    • 添加:“责任, 与行政部门和教职员工合作, for maintaining an academic honor system and a student conduct system.” 
  • 第十六条第一节
    • 消除:“There shall be  no fewer than fo () members on the conduct board. There should be an approximately equal number of juniors and seniors. Positions are also available to Ada Comstock Scholars who have completed the appropriate number of credits.”
    • 在第4行之前, add: “Membership eligibility is for students in good academic and disciplinary standing, with at least 64 credits and at least one prior semester of enrollment at Smith. The conduct board shall not exceed twenty (20) students and shall minimally include seven (7) students.”
  • 第十六条第三节第一项
    • “操守委员会聆讯”后-, 插入:“to follow the procedures of the Conduct Board Hearing (section 9), a”
  • 第十六条第三节第二项
    • 第一行之后, add: “A student does not have to accept the offer for an Administrative Settlement if a Conduct Board Hearing is preferred.”
  • 第十六条第三节第三项
    • 在"操守委员会聆讯"之后插入"(第9条)"
    • 在“学生主任”之后,插入“(或其指定人员)”。
    • 在“需要权宜之计”之后,用“”代替“或”,
    • 源自“学年安排”, 插入:“, 会员可用性, 或者出于特殊的隐私考虑。”
    • 消除:“The dean of the college (or their designee) reserves the right to refer any case for administrative hearing when the dean has determined that doing so is in the best interests of the College or the persons involved.”
  • 第十六条第四节第一项
    • 将“第八条”改为“第十六条”
    • 消除:”,在审查与SGA内阁.”
  • 第十六条第四节第四项
    • 删去:“通常是学生主任,”
    • 在“学院院长”之后,插入“(或其指定人员)”。
  • 第十六条第四节设立第六项
    • “遵循裁决程序, the officers of the college and the dean of the college shall have the power to enforce decisions of the 大学行为委员会.”
  • 第十六条第六节第一项
    • 在“学生主任”之后加上“(或其指定人员)”。
  • 第十六条第六节第二项
    • 取消:“学院院长”
    • 在“且仅是”之后,加上“学院院长(或其指定人员)”。
  • 第十六条第六节第五项
    • 删除:“注册商和”
  • 第十六条第七节标题
    • 在“听证”后加上“(答辩人)”
  • 第十六条第八节标题
    • 在“聆讯”后加上“(投诉人)”
  • 第十六条第九节第4项第1分
    • 消除:“The conduct board may take such actions as are necessary to enforce its decisions.”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项第二项
    • 在“七”之后加上“生意”。
  • 第十六条第九节第四项第三分项
    • 删去:“指定人员,主席;”
    • After “dean of students or”, 插入:“their designees shall chair the appeal board. 另外两名成员为"
    • 删去:“管理人员”
    • 在“和一”之后,插入“行政官员”。
  • 第十六条第九节第四项第四分项
    • 在“审查证据”之后, 插入:“provided by the student pursuing the appeal along with the evidence”
    • 在" review the case "之后,插入" fairly "。
    • 在" according to the "之后插入" allowed "。
    • 删去:“如第9节D-6所规定”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项,原第五项
    • 消除:“If the appeal board determines that the conduct board's actions or decisions should be modified, 它将, 在做决定之前, send its recommendations for modifications to the conduct board for its reconsideration. The appeal board will make its final decision following the action on reconsideration by the board.”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项,原第六项
    • 消除:“Appeals may be made only on the grounds of gross error in procedure, 侵犯学生权利, 新证据, 或者是行为委员会的极端偏见. Appeals may not be filed solely based on disagreeing with the board's decision.”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项,新增第五项
    • Add: “Appeals may be made only on the grounds of (i) gross error in procedure that likely affected the outcome, (ii) violation of the student’s rights provided by [identify the College policy describing these “rights’”], (iii) 新证据 which was unavailable at the time of the conduct board hearing, 和/或(iv)行为委员会成员表现出的偏见.”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项新增第六项
    • Add: “Results of the appeal will be forwarded to the student following the review process. 上诉结果将是最终结果.”
  • 第十六条第九节第四项,新增第七项
    • “遵循裁决程序, the officers of the college and the dean of the college shall have the power to enforce decisions of the 大学行为委员会.”
  • 第十六条第十一节第十项
    • 删去:“另外,”
    • 在“永久分离”之后,插入“学生”。
    • 将“总统”改为“院长”
    • 在“[学院院长]”之后插入“(或其指定人员)”。
    • 第一行之后, add: “The 大学行为委员会 will consult with the dean of the college (or their designee) about such recommendations prior to issuing an outcome letter to the student”